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Emi Wall

Emi Wall

22 posts
Quarantine Creations

Quarantine Creations

We've been "home" for a whopping two weeks. In that time I have found a project that I'm super inspired and passionate about.... drumroll plea

A Vegan Perspective on Animal Companionship

A Vegan Perspective on Animal Companionship

The issue of domesticated animal companionship is a tricky and controversial one. While human-pet relationships may seem mutually beneficial,

Our Favorite Spot in Northwest Wyoming (it's not in a National Park!)

Our Favorite Spot in Northwest Wyoming (it's not in a National Park!)

This was the major stop on our short visit to Grand Teton National Park.If you've ever road-tripped with your four legged friends, you may be

Hiking in the Desert with Dogs

Hiking in the Desert with Dogs

Hiking with your dogs can be scary no matter whether your a newbie or a pro to desert livin'. But there's no reason to be more anxious than yo

The Commodification of Yoga

The Commodification of Yoga

How the Face of Yoga has Changed Through Colonization, Cultural Appropriation, Capitalism and the Age of Social Media Yoga has spread to virtu

Gentle Vinyasa Yoga for Relaxation

Gentle vinyasa is one of my favorite styles of yoga to practice. Some yogis (my past self included) see gentle yoga as boring or not as exciti